Education and training for small animal vets

Welcome to UniVets Global

My name is Andreia Dias and, like you, I’m a vet. I’m also the founder of UniVets Global, a training company for me, for you and for all our colleagues globally.

UniVets Global develops veterinary professionals who are confident, competent and enjoy their careers.

We are in a vocational profession that is overworked, underpaid and burned out. But I believe that we deserve to change this and be able to enjoy and thrive in our chosen career.

I created UniVets Global to give vets the support to live sustainable careers. For me, a sustainable career has three main ingredients.

You want to do it

Being a vet connected to animals and healthcare is something you want to be doing.

You are capable of doing it

You have the right skills to be a good professional and enjoy what you do.

You can be paid for it

Your skills and passion are financially rewarded so you can have a fulfilled life.

About Us

Meet the founder

When I founded UniVets Global, I was going through what many of us experience - the desire to “get out”... I was getting burned out and looking for alternative income sources so I could leave clinical practice. I couldn’t see it at the time, but life makes sense in retrospect, right? So I now know this desire was coming from two sources

I was working too much - literally too many hours. I had no energy to live life. I knew I didn’t want my life to look like that!

I was doing a lot of things I wasn’t enjoying - mostly because I didn’t feel capable of doing them, which led me to resent work and feel anxious

I was overworked, exhausted and insecure. I felt like I was trapped in a never ending cycle of go to work - work hard - come home and crash - eat some takeaway or fast food - sleep (sometimes wake up to work) - repeat. Eventually, this was going down the track of a very clear burnout.

In my case, I believe that the lack of confidence in my skills was a major factor for poor well being and job dissatisfaction.


This is what we work to change at UniVets Global, because we believe it will impact on everything else

Being good at what you do lets you feel good about it. Feeling good is... good!
Once you become competent, you become comfortable and eager to do it, and you often find that little spark again
The more skilled you are, the more income potential you have and the easier it is to achieve balance
UniVets Global provides education and training for small animal vets from their first day in practice. Why do we think this is important? Because we believe in this: 

There is no joy without confidence and there is no confidence without competence.

As your skills improve, your earning potential also increases, you can find more rewarding placements or create your own job and path.

We work towards a world where vets are happily vet-ing (regardless of what that looks like for you). 

Work with Us


RCVS Exam Preparation

This program has a free self-study version and a tutored membership. It was developed to help practising vets study and prepare for all parts of the RCVS examination and covers small animals, equine practice, farm and production as well as public health.
Learn more

New Grad Prep Week

This program is a proficiency-based training course designed to support new graduates in their journey to become confident and competent with the knowledge and skills expected of them on their first job, as well as build enjoyment for their favourite professional areas.
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Spotlight Post-Graduations

Spotlight Post-Graduations are intensive focused opportunities to develop professional proficiency (in other words, for you to get really good at something you like).
Our signature courses are our skill-based post-grad Academies.
Learn more
Ongoing CE / CPD for vets

Lifelong learning

Let’s face it, we all want to do a good job and we all want to grow from it. This is why lifelong learning is so important for sustainable careers. Our lifelong learning opportunities are split into several categories.


Foundational knowledge to stay on the edge of diagnostics and treatment care in several species.


For updates on guidelines, new products, diagnostics and tools.


The backbone of evidence-based medicine.


Support and interactions with colleagues, so we can learn from each other.


For soft skills, personal development, communication and team work.

Specialty Bites

Education specific to several clinical and non-clinical areas.

Discover and Engage


Our Community

Join the community and meet colleagues, discuss cases or simply share a fun relaxing story.


100+ vets

Attending our practical training


Tutors and Educators

Education and Training for Small Animal Vets

UniVets Global

Giving vets the skills and knowledge they need to trust themselves, become better professionals and enjoy what they do.

Certified Training

Hands-on Learning

Expert Tutors

Lifelong Education

UniVets Global
UniVets Global UK Hub Office 272 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JR +44 07918796877

UniVets Global Training Centre
Rua José Falcão nº 9 - 11
2600-172 Vila Franca de Xira
Lisbon, Portugal
+351 924 951 900
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