There are some courses available although not specifically for the RCVS, with the exception of one (however we have received mixed reviews about the quality of that course).
Our course is not endorsed by the RCVS and is not a guarantee that you can pass the exam, because this depends on how much you study and take in from the course. However, it does provide you with UK-specific content and resources for the study topics required by the examination.
Yes and no, the clinical foundations modules are all free to access, as they have been since 2022. The tutored version is paid on a monthly basis, so you can cancel it at any time.
You need to take and pass the RCVS examination if you want to practise as a clinician in the UK and did NOT graduate from:
- An EAEVE-accredited university
- An AVMA-approved university
- Other universities from Commonwealth countries (Canada, Australia, South Africa)
Let’s not sugarcoat it, yes it is. Since the new format in 2019 we are unaware of published pass rates. Before these change, the pass rate was anywhere between 10 to 45% depending on the year.
The exam has three parts: one theory part covering clinical practice and public health; one part covering the Code of Conduct; and the final part with practical tasks in all areas called the OSCEs.
The fee for sitting the exam in 2023 was £2500.